
PA Education focusses on 5 Actions:

1.     Combatting early school leaving and improving transition from education to labour market

2.     Improving quality of education and vocational training through work-based learning andfostering entrepreneurial mind-sets

3.     International excellence in tertiary education, science and research

4.     A labour market for all, using resources of longer lives

5.     Recognising potential – easing the way for newly arrived refugees

Exemplary flagships  are:

Baltic University ProgrammeLargest university network in BSR focused on sustainable regional development through cooperation in education, research and applied projects.

Baltic Sea Labor Forum aims to promote social dialogue, tripartite structures and cooperation as crucial elements of sustainable growth and social development in the BSR.

Baltic Science Network aims to provide science and research ministries of the Baltic Sea region states with an overall coordination framework to develop and implement science policy in a macro-regional dimension and to ensure a better representation of macro-regional interests on the EU level.