PA Education

Policy Area (PA) ‘Education’ focuses on education, research and employability including all educational levels, and employability signifying transition from education to the labour market.

Increased prosperity presupposes access to good education and training for all, an effective and inclusive welfare system and a well-functioning labour market supporting geographical, professional and socio-economic mobility. The EU member states in the Baltic Sea region faces unbalance on their labour markets. On the one hand, all the member states in the region have common problems with high youth unemployment. On the other hand, many industries, in particular in SMEs, experience a shortage of skilled workforce. The existing facilities in tertiary educations and research are not equally distributed and interconnected, and their management and usage patterns differ significantly across the macro-region. There is a need for more effective coordination of research and higher education policies.

The policy area ‘Education’ covers three policy areas, namely:

•      education including primary and secondary schools, tertiary education, adult education and nonformal education;

•      research; and

•      employability meaning improving transition from education to the labour market;

PA Education actions include, for example, combatting early school leaving and improving transition from education to labour market. Quality of education and vocational training can be improved through work-based learning and fostering entrepreneurial mind-sets by introducing work on projects and practical experiences of entrepreneurship. Also international excellence in tertiary education, science and research, as well as ensuring access to labour market for all are essential.

PA Education is coordinated by Hamburg (Germany) and Norden Association (in Sweden).

Read more about the PA Education at their own website