Policy area 2 - Mobility and connectivity

Connectivity for all: in search of a balanced territorial development through environmentally friendly mobility patterns, transports systems and communication services and infrastructures

The Alpine Region is a major European crossroads. However, sustainable transport systems are a major challenge for the region. A coordinated policy, therefore, is a priority for this Strategy.

Besides transport systems, the notion of connectivity also embraces communication infrastructures and services (including tourism). Although citizens and business in the Alps are usually well connected, a higher accessibility to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) could further bridge accessibility gaps remaining in the region, as well as contribute to a more sustainable model of development. Two Action Groups (AGs) operate within the second Thematic Policy Area to reach these objectives.

This Policy Area contributes substantially to achieving the European Cohesion Policy objectives.

Specifically, it contributes to

ยท     A more connected Europe by promoting interoperability and cooperation in the field of transport (AG 4), as well as to improve accessibility in the Alps (AG 5).