Europe Background

In the European module, indicators are assigned to the objectives of the new Cohesion Policy. The MRS ESPON tool will actively be used in the 2021-2027 EU funding period, which is currently launched under the new Commission of Ursula van der Leyen. This is why the tool reflects the general policy themes that will guide the EU Cohesion policy in the years to come. These “policy objectives” are according to the Common Provision Regulation the following:

  • a smarter Europe through innovation,
  • a greener, carbon free Europe,
  • a more connected Europe (with strategic transport and digital networks),
  • a more social Europe (delivering on the European Pillar of Social Rights and supporting quality employment and skills) and,
  • a Europe closer to citizens (with the support of locally-led development strategies and sustainable urban development).

The indicators of the European module offer territorial trends and structures over time. Besides the pan-European overview, a comparison between the macro-regions is offered within this module through the 'Positioning of the regions' section.

Further development of indicators will be considered in the follow-up of the initial project.