MRS in a more social Europe

Cohesion policy objective No. 4 for the funding period 2021-2027 covers several policy fields that contribut to a more social Europe. More specifically this objective supports initiatives and projects that improve labour market conditions, access to employment, safe and healthy working lives, education and training, life-long learning and social inclusion as well as health.

This policy objective is fully aligned with the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. This policy objectives is closely linked to the political priority of the Van der Leyen Commission “An economy that works for the people”. The vehicle for implementation is the new European Social Fund+.

All four macro-regional strategies cover aspects of this build through labour market, health, education and innovation. In the EUSBRS the Objective 3 Increase Prosperity is most relevant. In the Danube Region the Pillar 3 -Building Prosperity is most relevant. In the Adriatic and Ionian Region the projects under blue growth for example support education and training. In the Alpine Region the Policy Area 1 and specifically AG 3 Labour market, education and training address goals that are covered under this policy objective. Further in all MRS projects in other pillars and objectives further support aspects of this policy objective.